AAUW Booksale remains a success at new location

AROUND THE PARK AGAIN by Sharon Lee Tegler

Brought to you by Jing Ying Institute of Kung Fu & Tai Chi

and by Lean On Dee Senior Home Care Services

There were a lot of very happy faces as booklovers, young and old, browsed through the shelves after finding their way to the new location for the American Association of University Women Anne Arundel branch’s annual book sale at Chesapeake Square in Glen Burnie.

Arriving on the second day of the sale, we were told that lots of people came up from Severna Park and Pasadena to shop, but there were also many new customers. Among them we found first timers, Madison Nobile and Jaden Rucker from Brooklyn (who are seen in the opening photo) combing through a section of novels. Both girls said they loved that the books were so inexpensive.

Planning had already begun for the 2023 AAUW Booksale following last year’s event at Park Plaza in Severna Park – the most successful the organization ever held. They’d looked forward to repeating that success this year but were disappointed to learn the shopping center had no empty storefronts available in which to hold the four-day event.

By August, with the Booksale scheduled for November 2 thru 5, booksale committee chair Alice Harrison, sent out emails asking for help in finding a new location.

“We’re currently searching for a site to hold our annual sale,” Harrison wrote. “So far we are not having any luck.  Everything is leased — all the empty stores that you see around the area are said to be already leased.”

Luckily, they found a two-room space in Chesapeake Square at 6714 Ritchie Highway that was perfect. Worried people might not find them, the committee publicized the event heavily. AAUW members and volunteers worked for 7 days carefully sorting and setting up the books by category.

They opened their doors at 8 am sharp on Thursday, November 2 for a two-hour Pre-Sale period for dealers… followed by their usual 10 am opening for the public. They were happily very busy for the remainder of the day and for the three days that followed.

The new location for the AAUW Used Book Sale at Chesapeake Square in Glen Burnie. Photos by Sharon Lee Tegler

Luckily, the AAUW Booksale website gave good directions to the storefront in Chesapeake Square which we visited on the second day of the sale. Walking in, we immediately spotted the familiar face of AAUW member Gabby Gick who works the sale every year.

AAUW Anne Arudel member Gabby Gick replenishing a section of books.

“Though I moved to Pennsylvania, I’m still a member of the Anne Arundel branch and I come back every year to work this event because I love it so much,” Glick said. “It’s empowering for the women of our organization to put together an event like this and empowering for everyone to have access to so many great books.”

The immense collection of used books is assembled by AAUW members each year through donations by local residents at summer Book Dropoff sites they set up at shopping center or church parking lots. They also pick up books from estate sales or from residents wanting to donate their own collections. The books are stored through summer and fall, then trucked to the sale site, unloaded, unpacked from boxes, sorted and arranged in sections by members and volunteers.

A grouping of books, largely pre-dating 1940, held possible limited-edition treasures for dealers and collectors.

Books, from any and all categories, may be valuable. Book dealers from a wide geographic area pay $25 to attend the 8 to 10 am Pre-Sale on the first day. But individuals who are collectors also attend the event and are particularly attracted to a section with a sign marked “Possible Treasures”.

“One man spent two hours looking at the treasured books (printed before 1940) and others in the rest of the sale,” said Harrison. “His wife, who is also fond of reading old books, was out of town but sent him a text saying ‘Go to this book sale’.”

Romance novels and mystery/thrillers stretched across the far side of the first room.

Marked with signs, the categories were as diverse as ever. There were shelves and shelves of general fiction and romance novels. The mystery/thriller sections were amazing with books by some of the 20th Century’s most impressive and best-selling authors from the genre ranging from Dick Francis, Robert B. Parker and Ian Rankin to Michael Connelly and David Baldacci – books still in print but not available in some of our libraries.

Looking for a mystery book to buy for her brother, Janet was delighted to find herself surrounded by boxes of them.

While perusing the mystery books, we bumped into Janet who asked us for advice. She explained that, though unfamiliar with mysteries herself, she was shopping for her brother who had asked her to buy him one or more. We suggested titles by several authors we felt her brother was bound to enjoy.

The biography and history sections were heavily shopped as expected but other categories held some surprises. There was a Finance category, a State of Maryland section, multiple Science sections, Nature sections and, of course, Travel sections. Particularly interesting was a How-To section with books titled everything from “Practical Gunsmithing”, “Table-Sawing Techniques”, the “Complete Guide to Kitchens” and “The Songwriter’s Idea Book” to “Tips for Quilters” and an old original “Singer Sewing Book” (possibly collectible).

Member Roxann King, who’d volunteered to work the checkout counter proudly told us that, sales wise, AAUW had had its second best First Day (following the best First Day which occurred at last year’s sale in Severna Park). She added that she’d greeted many repeat customers who shop the Booksale every year like Dorothy McGuiness.

Longtime AAUW member and volunteer Roxann King worked the checkout counter and enjoyed greeting many repeat Booksale customers including Dorothy McGuiness.

We spotted one shelf of dictionaries and several shelves of once invaluable encyclopedias as well as world almanacs …and that was just in the first room. We moved into the second room and found that it was devoted primarily to books for children and teens but also held several arts and entertainment sections.

We came across Michelle Soileau and her husband shopping there with grandson Ben. They were looking for books for their six grandchildren. Soileau said she had learned about this year’s Booksale from a member of her book club who was also an AAUW member. She’d already picked out several children’s books. However, Ben had ideas of his own. His choices somehow ended up on the floor.

Having accumulated a small cardboard box of books ourselves, we decided we’d better check out the prices which were conveniently placed on the walls of both rooms. With paperbacks just $1 and hardbacks $2, we figured we were in good shape.

On our way past one of the Old Books sections, we ran into two young men who said they were looking for some different things to read that were “not political”. They held up two books.

One, titled “Lin McLean”, was an old Western written in 1905 by Owen Wister. Even the cover was evocative of another time and place.

Even the cover of this Western novel, written in 1905 by Owen Wister, conveys a sense of history.

The second vintage book was a biography of Will Rogers written by P. J. O’Brien in 1935. The book contains a personal inscription inside the cover which reads, “Brinkley Barrett, Christmas 1935, Happy Birthday from W. G. Kinne”.

“Will Rogers, Ambassador Of Good Will, Prince Of Wit And Wisdom” was written 90 years ago by P. J. O’Brien

Following the AAUW Booksale, we caught up with committee chair Alice Harrison who seemed quite pleased.

“We found our site at a very late date and it was farther north than we had been before.  But through our Facebook page (AAUW Used Book Sale) and other avenues, people found us,” Harrison said.

“The site itself in the Chesapeake Square Shopping Center gave us plenty of space to sort and display our books. We had a steady stream of visitors on each of the four days of our sale and they seemed to be very happy with our books. All in all we feel that it was a very successful sale!”

The book sale is the major fundraiser for the American Association of University Women’s scholarship program. Proceeds from the event fund scholarships for girls and women who are Anne Arundel Community College grads transferring to a university and for the Women to Women program for individuals returning to the workplace or opening businesses and needing further education. For more information about the activities of the members, visit AAUW Anne Arundel County (MD) Branch

Life of Joy Foundation’s Songs of Hope benefit concert November 11

A reminder from founder Joy Cortina to get your tickets now for Life of Joy Foundation’s “Songs of Hope” benefit this Saturday, November 11 at The Church at Severn Run. “Songs of Hope” is a faith-based benefit concert supporting those impacted by suicide, depression and other mental health challenges. For tickets or information, visit Life of Joy Foundation, Inc.

Thanksgiving Celebration at Lean On Dee November 16

Sisters and owners Winsome Brown and Danielle Morgan Brown are hosting a Thanksgiving Celebration (also fondly referred to as a “Friendsgiving Celebration”) at the Lean On Dee Senior Home Care Services offices at 815 Ritchie Highway, Suite 213 on November 16th and the public is invited. A raffle will be held during the event with all proceeds going to the Alzheimer’s Association. The Thanksgiving Celebration, which begins at 5:30 pm, is an opportunity to mix and mingle with various businesses as well as celebrate going into the holiday season.

The Around The Park Again column is brought to you this week by Jing Ying Institute of Kung Fu and Tai Chi at 1195 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd. – For over two decades providing martial arts training that improves cardio-vascular health, strength and flexibility while reducing stress. Jing Ying is again bringing Tai Chi to the Severna Park Community Center.)

and by Lean On Dee Senior Home Care Services at 815 Ritchie Hwy., Suite 206 – When you need someone to lean on, Lean On Dee. Their experienced team of personal care management specialists and friendly companions provide high quality consistent care.

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